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ES Clipboard Monitor Engine (Business) 1.3.1

ES Clipboard Monitor Engine (Business) ES Clipboard Monitor Engine (Business) 1.3.1

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ES Clipboard Monitor Engine (Business) Publisher's Description

ES Clipboard Monitor Engine works by intercepting any images being copied to the clipboard. The captured images are then stored on a specified drive and location. The images can be converted to any of the following color formats: black and white, 8, 16, 24, and 32-bit color, 8 and 16-bit gray scale. The engine can convert these images into various file formats such as: PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNM, JPEG 2000, GIF, and PDF. In addition to simply saving the images in various formats, they can also automatically be passed as parameters to a specified program. By default, upon image detection, a dialog is displayed in which the user may choose whether or not they want to process/intercept an image copied to the clipboard. All of these settings can be configured via XML files, in addition to the displayable GUI dialogs. Common uses for the driver are in conjunction with document imaging systems, testing environments, help with troubleshooting, and screenshot capture sharing. The images can automatically be emailed with SMTP or uploaded via FTP, SOAP, and HTTP as well. They can also be saved directly into a database via JDBC or ODBC. Option to generate thumbnail images.

What's New in Version 1.3.1 of ES Clipboard Monitor Engine (Business)

Bug fixes related to a user having limited security access on a system. Other minor performance enhancements and bug fixes.

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